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Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is a US government agency responsible for federal consumer financial laws and ensuring that markets for consumer financial products are fair, transparent, and competitive. The CFPB publishes reports and statistics on the consumer financial marketplace.

Example topics covered:

  • Consumer complaints by product category
  • Company response timeliness to consumer complaints
  • Financial institutions providing mortgage and demographics of mortgage applicants
  • Mortgage originations, terms, and performance
  • Rates of delayed payments, foreclosures, bankruptcies, and forbearance of mortgages

Key Attributes

Geographic CoverageUnited States
Entity Level

Consumer Complaints Database: Company, Zip Code, State
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act: Financial Institution, County, State
National Mortgage Database: Details on the FHFA source page

Release Frequency

Consumer Complaints Database: Daily
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act: Annually, June
National Mortgage Database: Details on the FHFA source page


Consumer Complaints Database: Complaints: December 1, 2011
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act: 2017
National Mortgage Database: Details on the FHFA source page


Consumer Complaints Database: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) publishes the Consumer Complaints Database that provides complaint information for companies by product category, receipt, and company response timeliness by consumer's zip code and state. It serves as a valuable tool for understanding consumer challenges in the financial marketplace and for monitoring how financial institutions address these issues. The data is updated daily and dates back to Dec 1, 2011.

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA): The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) requires many financial and lending institutions to maintain, report, and publicly disclose loan-level information about mortgages. This data is collected and managed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC). HMDA data is the most comprehensive source of publicly available information on the US mortgage market and mortgage lending activity. Mandated by the HMDA, the dataset includes various details on mortgage applications, originations, denials, purchases and sales of loans, and other mortgage-related activities. In 2018, the CFPB changed the reporting standards for HMDA disclosures. As a result, some fields such as the financial institution and loan term are unavailable for records before 2018.

National Mortgage Database: The National Mortgage Database is managed jointly by the FHFA and the CFPB. Learn more here.

Cybersyn Products

Tables above are available in the following Cybersyn data products:

Sample Queries

Credit card company complaints

Count credit card complaints by month by company since 2012.

SELECT company,
DATE_TRUNC('month', date_received) AS month,
COUNT(1) AS credit_card_complaint
FROM cybersyn.financial_cfpb_complaint
WHERE product ILIKE '%card%'
AND date_received >= '2012-01-01'
GROUP BY company, month;

Check mortgage approval rates by financial institution

Find financial institution with >10k applications that had the highest approval rates in 2021

WITH approved_apps AS (
SELECT financial_institution_name, COUNT(*) AS approved_count
FROM cybersyn.home_mortgage_disclosure_attributes
WHERE action_taken IN ('Application approved but not accepted',
'Loan originated',
'Preapproval request approved but not accepted')
AND year = '2021'
GROUP BY financial_institution_name
), all_apps AS (
SELECT financial_institution_name, COUNT(*) AS total_count
FROM cybersyn.home_mortgage_disclosure_attributes
WHERE year = '2021'
GROUP BY financial_institution_name
SELECT all_apps.financial_institution_name,
approved_count / total_count AS pct_approved
FROM all_apps
JOIN approved_apps ON (all_apps.financial_institution_name = approved_apps.financial_institution_name)
WHERE total_count > 1E4
ORDER BY pct_approved DESC;


The data in this product is sourced from Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Cybersyn is not endorsed by or affiliated with any of these providers. Contact for questions.