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Data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) is combined to form a unified profile of financial institutions.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is an independent agency created by the US Congress to maintain stability and public confidence in the US financial system. The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) is a US government interagency council that prescribes uniform principles, standards, and report forms for the federal examination of financial institutions. Unlike the FDIC, the FFIEC does not provide deposit insurance.

Example topics covered:

  • Total assets
  • FDIC-insured deposits
  • Financial statements and call reports
  • Uniform Bank Performance Reports
  • Return on equity
  • Summary of Deposits Survey
  • Branch locations and openings/closings

Key Attributes

Geographic CoverageUnited States
Entity LevelFDIC Institution, FDIC Branch, Geographies
Time Granularity

Summary of Deposits: Annual
Financial Institutions: Varies by variable

Release Frequency

Summary of Deposits: Annually in September
Financial Institutions: The FDIC does not publish a schedule for BankSuite but does seem to update data daily. The FFIEC publishes daily between 8-9am ET.


Financial Institutions: March 31, 1984
Summary of Deposits: June 30, 1994


As with all Public Domain datasets, Cybersyn aims to release data on Snowflake Marketplace as soon as the underlying source releases new data. We check periodically for changes to the underlying source and, upon detecting a change, propagate the data to Snowflake Marketplace immediately. See our release process for more details.


The FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION_ENTITIES table details each financial institution regulated by the FDIC and FFIEC:

  • The unique identifier for each financial entity is the RSSD ID, or RSSD number (Institution Identifier for the Report of Structure Changes). It is assigned to each financial institution regulated by the Federal Reserve in the US. This ID is not directly associated with the FDIC, but it is used widely for reporting purposes.
  • Identifiers from other regulatory agencies like the FDIC (FDIC_CERT), Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC_ID), Office of Thrift Supervision (THRIFT_ID), and Internal Revenue Services (EMPLOYER_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER) are mapped in this dataset, where available.
  • Address information is provided and maps to Cybersyn's geographic entities (joinable with GEOGRAPHY_INDEX).
  • This table includes both existing and shuttered institutions.

The FDIC_BRANCH_LOCATIONS_INDEX table details each financial institution regulated by the FDIC.

  • Each record represents a unique branch. Each branch can have up to 3 hierarchical levels: branch, institution, and holding company.
  • Not all branches and institutions have holding companies.
  • An example of this structure is the following:
    • There is a JP Morgan Chase bank branch in Times Square (FDIC_BRANCH_ID: 183167).
    • This branch is associated with the financial institution: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association (FDIC_INSTITUTION_ID: 417).
    • The holding company of this institution is JPMorgan Chase & Co. (RSSDHCR: 1039502).
  • For each branch, there are multiple IDs from various regulatory agencies provided for each level (branch, institution, holding company).

The FDIC publishes metadata about active and inactive banks including locations, charter types, and regulator information. The FDIC also publishes comprehensive historical financial data for individual banks going back to 1984 - including total assets, FDIC-insured deposits, and return on equity. The FDIC BankSuite provides a comprehensive array of financial data and reports on FDIC-insured institutions in the United States. This suite typically includes detailed information such as bank financial statements, call reports (quarterly financial reports filed by banks, also known as "Reports of Condition and Income"), and Uniform Bank Performance Reports (UBPRs) which analyze the financial condition and performance of individual banks.

The FDIC Summary of Deposits (SOD) is an annual survey, capturing branch-level deposits as of June 30 for all FDIC-insured institutions, including U.S. branches of foreign banks.

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) is responsible for developing uniform reporting systems for federally supervised financial institutions, their holding companies and the non-financial institution subsidiaries of those institutions and holding companies. FFIEC publishes detailed branch location and opening/closing data used in the below tables.

FDIC_INSTITUTION_IDInstitutionUnique FDIC ID of the institution that owns the branch. It is a unique number, sequentially added to the FDIC database for both banks and branches. This ID is updated with every merger or purchase of branches to reflect the most current owner.
FDIC_BRANCH_IDBranchUnique FDIC ID for each bank branch. The branch ID for the Headquarters branch is the same as the branch ID for the entire bank or savings institution (FDIC_INSTITUTION_ID).
FDIC_INSTITUTION_CERTIFICATE_NUMBERInstitutionUnique number assigned by the FDIC used to identify institutions and for the issuance of insurance certificates. Mappable to FDIC_CERT in FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION_ENTITIES
RSSDHCRHolding CompanyUnique number assigned by the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) to the regulatory bank holding company of the institution
RSSDIDInstitutionUnique number assigned by the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) to the institution. Mappable to ID_RSSD in FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION_ENTITIES
OTS_IDInstitutionUnique identification number assigned to institutions chartered by the Office of the Thrift Supervision (OTS) or that become members of the Federal Home Loan System. Mappable to THRIFT_ID in FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION_ENTITIES.
  • Branch data details associated regulatory offices and insurers, institution specializations, charter types, address details, and more.

The FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION_EVENTS table details structural changes for banks found in the FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION_ENTITIES table, including bank failures, splits, charter discontinuations, charter retentions, and sale of assets.

  • Successor and predecessor entity details include the RSSD ID, name, entity category (e.g., bank, branch), and an active flag to indicate the status of the entity.
  • The transaction date, transformation type, and accounting method utilized in a merge detail the event.

The FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION_HIERARCHY table is provided by the FFIEC and shows the history of an entity's relationships with other entities over time. Relationships can be direct or indirect (where control exists).

  • This table is primarily used with the FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION_ENTITIES table, joinable by the RSSD ID.
  • This table is at the institution level.

The FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION_ATTRIBUTES table describes financial information reported by the FDIC for FDIC-insured institutions.

The FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION_TIMESERIES table provides historical financial information for FDIC-insured institutions.

On an annual basis, the FDIC conducts the Summary of Deposits survey that gathers data on the deposits held at each FDIC-insured banks' branches (if the bank has at least one branch).

The FDIC_SUMMARY_OF_DEPOSITS_ATTRIBUTES table describes the deposit types the FDIC tracks and reports, including whether those deposits are tracked at the institution or branch level.

The FDIC_SUMMARY_OF_DEPOSITS_TIMESERIES table provides historical values for each FDIC institution's summary of deposits by FDIC institution and branch IDs.

  • If the variable is tracked on an institutional level, the FDIC Institution ID and FDIC Branch ID will be the same.
  • The branch ID is joinable to the FDIC_BRANCH_LOCATIONS_INDEX table.

The institution ID is joinable to the FDIC_BRANCH_LOCATIONS_INDEX table.

Scope of FDIC branch deposit reporting: Although all FDIC-insured institutions must submit to this survey, institutions with only a main office are exempt. The survey requires respondents to provide deposit information at both the institution and branch levels.

Source combination: In some instances, multiple sources of data are combined into a single table. For example, FFIEC and FDIC are combined to form a unified profile of financial institutions.

Cybersyn Products

Tables above are available in the following Cybersyn data products:

Sample Queries

FDIC deposit exposure

Determine which banks have the highest percentage of uninsured deposits.

WITH big_banks AS (
SELECT id_rssd
FROM cybersyn.financial_institution_timeseries
WHERE variable = 'ASSET'
AND date = '2022-12-31'
AND value > 1E10
SELECT name,
1 - value AS pct_uninsured,
FROM cybersyn.financial_institution_timeseries AS ts
INNER JOIN cybersyn.financial_institution_attributes AS att ON (ts.variable = att.variable)
INNER JOIN cybersyn.financial_institution_entities AS ent ON (ts.id_rssd = ent.id_rssd)
INNER JOIN big_banks ON (big_banks.id_rssd = ts.id_rssd)
WHERE = '2022-12-31'
AND att.variable_name = '% Insured (Estimated)'
AND att.frequency = 'Quarterly'
ORDER BY pct_uninsured DESC;

Bank branch openings and closures

Compare the growth/decline of bank branches by state since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

WITH pre_covid AS (
SELECT state_abbreviation,
COUNT(*) AS pre_covid_count
FROM cybersyn.financial_branch_entities
WHERE start_date <= '2020-03-01'
AND (end_date >= '2020-03-01' OR end_date IS NULL)
GROUP BY state_abbreviation
SELECT cur.state_abbreviation,
COUNT(*) AS current_count,
current_count / pre_covid_count - 1 AS pct_change
FROM cybersyn.financial_branch_entities AS cur
INNER JOIN pre_covid ON (cur.state_abbreviation = pre_covid.state_abbreviation)
WHERE end_date IS NULL
GROUP BY cur.state_abbreviation, pre_covid_count
ORDER BY pct_change;


The data in this product is sourced from the following:

  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
  • Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC)

Cybersyn is not endorsed by or affiliated with any of these providers. Contact for questions.