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New York Fed


The Federal Reserve Bank of New York (or New York Fed) provides data on economic perspectives and behaviors of US households.

  • The Survey of Consumer Expectations (SCE) collects monthly data on households' economic expectations and behavior on inflation, the labor market, and personal finance. This survey is unique in its detailed questioning regarding the probability of certain events occurring in the respondents' financial lives (e.g., inflation, spending, income), serving as a tool for understanding future consumer behavior and economic trends.
  • The Household Debt and Credit Report provides quarterly updates on trends in consumer debt and credit, including breakdowns by debt type and credit score. It draws from a nationally representative sample of anonymized Equifax credit data to report on developments in mortgage, student loan, auto loan, and credit card balances, as well as bankruptcy filings and delinquencies.

Key Attributes

Geographic CoverageUnited States
Entity LevelNational, Census Region, State
Time GranularityMonthly, Quarterly, Annual
Release Frequency

Survey of Consumer Expectations: Monthly
Household Debt and Credit Report: Quarterly
Household Debt Statistics by State: Annual
Release Calendar


Survey of Consumer Expectations: 06/2013
Household Debt and Credit Report: 1999
Household Debt Statistics by State: 2003

Cybersyn Products

Tables above are available in the following Cybersyn data products:

Sample Queries

Total Debt Balances by Debt Type in the US (Housing vs. Non-housing debt)

Non-housing debt includes auto loans, credit card debt, student loans, and other. Housing debt includes mortgages and HE revolving credit.

WHEN att.variable_name IN ('Total Debt Balance and Its Composition: Mortgage','Total Debt Balance and Its Composition: HE Revolving') THEN 'Housing debt'
ELSE 'Non-housing debt'
END AS debt_type,,
FROM cybersyn.newyorkfed_consumer_attributes att
LEFT JOIN cybersyn.newyorkfed_consumer_timeseries ts
ON att.variable = ts.variable
att.measure = 'Total Debt Balance and Its Composition'
AND ts.geo_id = 'country/USA'
AND att.variable_name != 'Total Debt Balance and Its Composition: Total';


© 2024 Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Content from the New York Fed subject to the Terms of Use at

Source: Survey of Consumer Expectations, ©2013-2020 Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The SCE data are available without charge at and may be used subject to license terms posted there. The New York Fed disclaims any responsibility for this analysis and interpretation of Survey of Consumer Expectations data.

The data in this product is sourced from the New York Fed, see license.
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