US Crime
Crime counts & classifications for major cities at the zip code level
Police department crime data from New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, Chicago, and Seattle and nationwide and state-level crime data from the FBI. This dataset has been reformatted to cover:
Date of occurrence
Offense category (e.g. theft, narcotics, battery) and original description
City and estimated zip code
Attributes, Data Sources, Sample Queries
A detailed description of the data is available by source. Source pages include key attributes (e.g. geographic coverage, time granularity, history, entity level), release frequency, notes & methodologies, and sample queries:
All Cybersyn products follow the EAV (entity, attributes, value) model with a unified schema. Entities are tangible objects (e.g. geography, company) that Cybersyn provides data on. All timeseries' dates and values that refer to the entity are included in a timeseries table. Descriptors of the timeseries are included in an attributes table. Data is joinable across all Cybersyn products that have a GEO_ID
. Refer to Cybersyn Concepts for more details.
As with all Public Domain datasets, Cybersyn aims to release data on Snowflake Marketplace as soon as the underlying source releases new data. We check periodically for changes to the underlying source and, upon detecting a change, propagate the data to Snowflake Marketplace immediately. See our release process for more details.
Releases & Changelog
The data in this dataset is sourced on the individual source pages. Links to provider license, terms and disclaimers are provided where appropriate.
Cybersyn is not endorsed by or affiliated with any of these providers. Contact for questions.
Last updated