OpenAlex Works Index
Name | Description | Type | Example |
| OpenAlex ID for this work. | VARCHAR |
| DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for this work. | VARCHAR |
| Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) ID for this work. | NUMBER |
| The Pubmed identifier. | VARCHAR |
| The Pubmed Central identifier. | VARCHAR |
| The title of this work. | VARCHAR |
| List of OpenAlex author IDs associated with the work, limited to the first 100 authors. | ARRAY |
| List of OpenAlex author IDs for any authors corresponding with the work. | ARRAY |
| List of OpenAlex Concept IDs associated with this work. | ARRAY |
| Details of OpenAlex concepts associated with this work, including a score that calculates the strength of the connection between the work and this concept. This number is produced by AWS Sagemaker. Concepts with a score of 0.3 are assigned to the work. Ancestors of an assigned concept are also added to the work, even if the ancestor scores are below 0.3. | ARRAY |
| Number of concepts associated with this work. | NUMBER |
| List of OpenAlex institution IDs for any institutions corresponding with the work. | ARRAY |
| List of OpenAlex work IDs for works that this work cites. | ARRAY |
| List of OpenAlex work IDs for works related to this work, computed algorithmically. | ARRAY |
| The type of the work (e.g. journal-article, editorial). | VARCHAR |
| The language of the work. | VARCHAR |
| The abstract of the work, as an inverted index, which encodes information about the abstract's words and their positions within the text. Like Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG), OpenAlex doesn't include plaintext abstracts due to legal contraints. | VARIANT |
| Information about this work's article processing charge (APC), including the currency, value paid, source of the data (provenance), and USD value. | VARIANT |
| Information about the paid article processing charge (APC). Authors don't always pay the listed price, because they often get discounts from publishers. This is included here when known. | VARIANT |
| Bibliographic information for this work, useful in citation/reference contexts. | VARIANT |
| List of grant objects, which the OpenAlex Funder ID and award ID, if available, from Crossref. | ARRAY |
| Agency through which the DOI was registered. | VARCHAR |
| The license applied to this work at this host. Most toll-access works don't have an explicit license. | VARCHAR | N/A |
| Location of the best (closest to the version of record) copy of this work. For a peer-reviewed journal article, this would be a full text published version, hosted by the publisher at the article's DOI URL. | VARIANT |
| A list of locations describing all unique places where this work lives. | ARRAY |
| List of MeSH tag objects. Only works found in PubMed have MeSH tags; for all other works, this is an empty list. | ARRAY |
| List of related United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with an associated score representing the predicted probability of the work's relevance for a particular goal, displayed if the score is higher than 0.4. | ARRAY |
| True if the work is paratext (e.g., front cover, back cover, table of contents, editorial board listing, issue information, masthead). | BOOLEAN |
| True if the work has been known to be retracted. | BOOLEAN |
| Information about the access status of this work. | VARIANT |
| URL that uses the cites filter to display a list of works that cite this work. | VARCHAR |
| The number of citations to this work. | NUMBER |
| Number of times the works has been cited by year over the last 10 years. | ARRAY |
| Citation metrics for this work, including 2-year mean citedness for this source, h-index, i-10 index, and more. | VARIANT |
| The day when this work was published. When different publication dates exist, the earliest available date of electronic publication is selected. | DATE |
| The date this work object was created in the OpenAlex dataset. | TIMESTAMP_NTZ |
| The last time anything in this Work object changed. | TIMESTAMP_NTZ |
Last updated