OpenAlex Institutions Index
Name | Description | Type | Example |
| OpenAlex ID for this institution. | VARCHAR |
| GRID ID for this institution. | VARCHAR |
| ROR (Research Organization Registry) ID for this institution. ROR is the successor to GRiD, which is no longer being updated. This is the Canonical External ID for institutions. | VARCHAR |
| Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) ID for this institution. | NUMBER |
| Wikidata ID for this institution. | VARCHAR |
| The primary name of the institution. | VARCHAR |
| Acronyms or initialisms that people sometimes use instead of the full institution name. | ARRAY |
| Other names used for this institution. | ARRAY |
| The institution's display name in different languages, derived from the Wikipedia page for the institution in a given language. | VARIANT |
| The institution's primary type, using the ROR "type" controlled vocabulary (Education, Healthcare, Company, Archive, Nonprofit, Government, Facility, Other). | VARCHAR |
| List of OpenAlex Concept IDs most frequently applied to works affiliated with this institution. | ARRAY |
| Details of OpenAlex concepts most frequently applied to works affiliated with this instituttion, including a score that measures the strength of association between this institution and the listed concept, from 0-100. | ARRAY |
| List of OpenAlex institution IDs associated with this institution. | ARRAY |
| The country where this institution is located, joinable to the GEOGRAPHY_INDEX table. | VARCHAR |
| The state where this institution is located, if available, joinable to the GEOGRAPHY_INDEX table. | VARCHAR |
| The city where this institution is located. | VARCHAR |
| The latitude of the institution. | VARCHAR |
| The longitude of the institution. | VARCHAR |
| The region in which the institution is located; often a state or province. | VARCHAR |
| Repositories that have this institution as their host organization. | ARRAY |
| The total number of works that cite a work created by an author affiliated with this institution. The number of citations this institution has collected. | NUMBER |
| Number of works created by authors affiliated with this institution. The number of works coming out of this institution. | NUMBER |
| Number of new works an institution puts out and number of times any work affiliated with this institution got cited by year for the last 10 years. | ARRAY |
| List of role objects associated with the institution (e.g., institution, funder, publisher). In many cases, a single organization does not fit neatly into one role. | ARRAY |
| URL linking to all the works affiliated with this institution. | VARCHAR |
| Wikipedia page URL for this institution. | VARCHAR |
| URL for this institution's primary homepage. | VARCHAR |
| URL for an image representing this institution (small format). | VARCHAR |
| URL for an image representing this institution. Usually this is hosted on Wikipedia, and usually it's a seal or logo. | VARCHAR |
| Citation metrics for this institution, including 2-year mean citedness for this source, h-index, i-10 index, and more. | VARIANT |
| The last time anything in this Institution object was changed. | TIMESTAMP_NTZ |
| The date this institution object was created in the OpenAlex dataset. | TIMESTAMP_NTZ |
Last updated