SEC Form144 Securities Info Index
Name | Description | Type | Example |
| Accession Number assigned to each filing in the EDGAR system. Unique identifier for each individual filing. The Accession number can be used to track all records from a single filing. | VARCHAR |
| Central Index Key (CIK). Ten digit number assigned by the SEC to each registrant that submits filings. | VARCHAR |
| Name of registrant (issuer). This corresponds to the name of the legal entity as recorded in EDGAR as of the filing date. | VARCHAR |
| Central Index Key (CIK). Ten digit number assigned by the SEC to each registrant that submits filings. | VARCHAR |
| Name of registrant (filer). This corresponds to the name of the legal entity as recorded in EDGAR as of the filing date. | VARCHAR |
| The relationship of the reporting person to the issuer (e.g., director, officer, 10% owner, or other). | ARRAY |
| The submission type of the filing. | VARCHAR |
| Date of the TIMESTAMP_ACCEPTED column. If the filing was submitted after 5:30 PM, the filed_date is the next business day. | DATE |
| The title of the security. | VARCHAR |
| The name of the broker through whom the securities are intended to be offered or the market maker who is acquiring the securities. | VARCHAR |
| Number of shares or other units to be sold (if debt securities, give the aggregate face amount) | FLOAT |
| Aggregate market value of the securities to be sold as of a specified date within 10 days prior to the filing of this notice. | FLOAT |
| Number of shares or other units of the class outstanding, or if debt securities the face amount thereof outstanding, as shown by the most recent report or statement published by the issuer. | FLOAT |
| Approximate date on which the securities are to be sold. | DATE |
| Name of each securities exchange, if any, on which the securities are intended to be sold | VARCHAR |
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