FEMA National Flood Insurance Program Claim Index
Name | Description | Type | Example |
| Unique record identifier from FEMA for the claim. | VARCHAR |
| Description of the use of the insured building. | VARCHAR |
| Description of the use and occupancy type of the insured structure. | VARCHAR |
| The number of residential and nonresidential units covered by the Condominium Master Policy. | NUMBER |
| The Event Designation Number (EDN) is a unique identifier established for a catastrophe flood event. EDN has replaced FICO as the new event tracking designation. Prior to June 2020 flood events were assigned FICO number designations; after June 2020, flood events are assigned EDN number designations. | VARCHAR |
| Number assigned by the Flood Insurance Claims Office (FICO) at the time of a significant flooding event to uniquely identify each affected state. | NUMBER |
| Name given to a flooding catastrophe. | VARCHAR |
| Description of the characteristics of the flood. | VARCHAR |
| Number of hours flood water remained in the insured building. | NUMBER |
| Depth of flood water in inches. There are instances where measurements were provided in feet. | NUMBER |
| The method by which the insured's property and contents were damaged. | VARCHAR |
| Date on which water first entered the insured building. | DATE |
| Actual cash value of the main building in whole dollars as estimated by an adjuster. | NUMBER |
| Actual cash value amount of damage to a main property in whole dollars. | FLOAT |
| Dollar amount paid on the building claim. In some instances, a negative amount may appear which occurs when a check issued to a policy holder is not cashed and has to be re-issued. | FLOAT |
| Net building payment amount made to insured in dollars. | FLOAT |
| Reason why a claim was not paid for a property structure. | VARCHAR |
| Actual cash value of the contents in whole dollars as estimated by an adjuster. | NUMBER |
| Actual cash value amount of damage to contents in whole dollars. | FLOAT |
| Estimated cost in whole dollars to replace the contents as reported by the insurer. Replacement cost is not market value, and it does not include the cost of the land or building. It is strictly the estimated cost to replace the contents. | NUMBER |
| Dollar amount paid on the contents claim. In some instances, a negative amount may appear, which occurs when a check issued to a policy holder is not cashed and has to be re-issued. | FLOAT |
| Net contents payment amount made to insured in dollars. | FLOAT |
| Reason why a claim was not paid for the contents of a property. | VARCHAR |
| ICC coverage is one of several flood insurance resources for policyholders who need additional help rebuilding after a flood. It provides up to $30,000 to help cover the cost of mitigation measures that will reduce the flood risk. | FLOAT |
| Amount of Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) coverage for building in whole dollars. ICC coverage is the coverage for expenses that a property owner must incur, above and beyond the cost to repair the physical damage the building actually sustained from a flooding event, to comply with mitigation requirements of state or local floodplain management ordinances or laws. | NUMBER |
| Net Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) payment amount made to insured in dollars. | FLOAT |
| This indicates whether the building claim was settled on a replacement cost basis. | VARCHAR |
| Total Insurance Amount in whole dollars on the Building. | NUMBER |
| Total deductible amount in dollars for buildings, both main and appurtenant, that can be applied against a loss. | NUMBER |
| Total Insurance Amount in whole dollars on the Contents. | NUMBER |
| Total deductible amount in dollars for contents in both main and apartment structures that can be applied against the loss. | NUMBER |
| Insured units in an active status. A policy contract ceases to be in an active status as of the cancellation date or the expiration date. Residential Condominium Building Association Policy (RCBAP) contracts are stored as a single policy contract but insure multiple units and therefore represent multiple policies. | NUMBER |
| Estimated cost in whole dollars to replace the building as reported by the insurer. Replacement cost is not market value, and it does not include the cost of the land or contents. It is strictly the estimated cost to reconstruct the building. | NUMBER |
| Array of characteristics of the insured property. | ARRAY |
| Policy rating method. | VARCHAR |
| Original date of the construction of the building. | DATE |
| Original date of the flood policy. | DATE |
| Number of floors in the insured building. | VARCHAR |
| Base Flood Elevation (BFE) is the elevation in feet from the Elevation Certificate at which there is a 1% chance per year of flooding. | FLOAT |
| A building's lowest floor is the floor or level (including basement/enclosure/crawlspace/sub-grade crawlspace) that is used as the point of reference when rating a building. This includes the level to which a building is flood-proofed. The elevation in feet of the reference level of the building from the Elevation Certificate. | FLOAT |
| Difference between the elevation of the lowest floor used for rating, or the flood-proofed elevation, and the base flood elevation (BFE), or base flood depth, as appropriate. | NUMBER |
| Flood zone derived from the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) where the insured property is currently located. | VARCHAR |
| Formerly called floodZone. NFIP Flood Zone derived from the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) used to rate the insured property. | VARCHAR |
| The location of the contents of the property. | VARCHAR |
| Lowest natural grade adjacent to the insured structure prior to excavating or filling. The difference in feet of the lowest natural grade adjacent to the building from the reference level of the building. | FLOAT |
| Type of coverage the building has if it is a condominium. | VARCHAR |
| Community Rating System (CRS) Classification Credit Percentage used to rate the policy. The insurance premium credit is based on whether a property is in or out of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) as shown on the community's Flood Insurance Rate Map. | VARCHAR |
| Federal agency that has required the purchase of flood insurance as a requirement for disaster assistance. | VARCHAR |
| Basement is defined for purposes of the NFIP as any level or story which has its floor sub-grade on all sides. | VARCHAR |
| Type of obstruction in the enclosure of the insured property. | VARCHAR |
| 6-digit designation identifying the rated NFIP community. The first two numbers are the state code. The next four are the FEMA-assigned community number. | VARCHAR |
| 6-digit designation identifying the current NFIP community. The first two numbers are the state code. The next four are the FEMA-assigned community number. | VARCHAR |
| Local political entity that has the authority to adopt and enforce floodplain ordinances for the area under its jurisdiction. | VARCHAR |
| Cybersyn's unique identifier for a state, joinable to GEOGRAPHY_INDEX. | VARCHAR |
| Cybersyn's unique identifier for a county, joinable to GEOGRAPHY_INDEX. | VARCHAR |
| Cybersyn's unique identifier for a zip code, joinable to GEOGRAPHY_INDEX. | VARCHAR |
| Cybersyn's unique identifier for a census tract, joinable to GEOGRAPHY_INDEX. | VARCHAR |
| Cybersyn's unique identifier for a census block group, joinable to GEOGRAPHY_INDEX. | VARCHAR | N/A |
| City of the insured property. | VARCHAR | N/A |
| Latitude of the insured property. | FLOAT |
| Longitude of the insured property. | FLOAT |
Last updated