US Department of Labor Form 5500 Filing Index
Name | Description | Type | Example |
| Form acknowledgement ID. Unique identifier for each form 5500 filing. Can be used to join to the policy index table to find attached insurance policies. | VARCHAR |
| Identifies this as a standard Form 5500 filing. | VARCHAR |
| EIN (Employer Identification Number) of this plan sponsor. | VARCHAR |
| Name of this plan sponsor, which is the employer providing the benefit plan. | VARCHAR |
| NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) identifier of this plan sponsor. | VARCHAR |
| Text description of the NAICS identifier of this plan sponsor. | VARCHAR |
| Indicates whether this is an amended filing to correct any errors and/or omissions to an earlier filing for this period. | BOOLEAN |
| Name of individual signing as plan administrator, which is someone authorized to act on behalf of the plan sponsor and oversee the operations and administration of the plan. Either the plan sponsor or plan administrator must sign the filing. | VARCHAR |
| Name of individual signing as employer or plan sponsor. Either the plan sponsor or plan administrator must sign the filing. | VARCHAR |
| Name of individual signing as direct filing entity (DFE). DFEs are investment arrangements such as trusts that manage money from several plans. For DFE Form 5500 filings, a person authorized to sign on behalf of the DFE must sign the filing. | VARCHAR |
| Phone number of the plan administrator. | VARCHAR |
| Phone number of the plan sponsor or direct filing entity (DFE). | VARCHAR |
| Phone number of the authorized Form 5500 filing preparer - a third-party preparer may be authorized to sign and submit the electronic filing on behalf of the plan administrator, plan sponsor or DFE. | VARCHAR |
| Street address of the plan sponsor. | VARCHAR |
| City of the plan sponsor. | VARCHAR |
| State of the plan sponsor. | VARCHAR |
| Zip code of the plan sponsor. | VARCHAR |
| A unique identifier of the city where the sponsoring business is headquartered. Joinable to the GEOGRAPHY_INDEX table. | VARCHAR |
| A unique identifier of the state where the sponsoring business is headquartered. Joinable to the GEOGRAPHY_INDEX table. | VARCHAR |
| A unique identifier of the zip code where the sponsoring business is headquartered. Joinable to the GEOGRAPHY_INDEX table. | VARCHAR |
| Starting date of the filing period. | DATE |
| Ending date of the filing period. | DATE |
| Date this filing was received. | DATE |
Last updated