FEMA Mission Assignment Index
Name | Description | Type | Example |
| Unique record identifier from FEMA for the mission assignment. | VARCHAR |
| Identifier for request, used to aggregate funding across multiple days. | VARCHAR |
| Obligation requests may be modified to adjust or add funds. This number identifies those amendments. The value is 0 if there are no amendments. | NUMBER |
| Sequentially FEMA-assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. | VARCHAR |
| Name of the entity requesting assistance. | VARCHAR |
| Date a State or Tribe requested assistance. | DATE |
| Date the Mission Assignment was obligated. | DATE |
| Estimated end of the mission. Subject to revision. | DATE |
| Dollar amount of the cost for which the state or tribal government is responsible. | FLOAT |
| Percentage of the cost for which the state or tribal government is responsible. | FLOAT |
| Dollar amount of the cost for which FEMA is responsible. | FLOAT |
| Percentage of the cost for which FEMA is responsible. | FLOAT |
| Total cost in dollars, as requested by state or tribal government. | FLOAT |
| Total dollars amount obligated. | FLOAT |
| Additional information about the assistance request. | VARCHAR |
| Description of the requested assistance. | VARCHAR |
| Place of performance if available. | VARCHAR |
| Cybersyn's unique identifier for a state, joinable to GEOGRAPHY_INDEX. | VARCHAR |
| Cybersyn's unique identifier for a zip code, joinable to GEOGRAPHY_INDEX. | VARCHAR |
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