Financial & Economic Indicators


Cybersyn combines frequently monitored financial & economic indicators from various public publishing sources into two tables for enhanced usability. The tables also include a mapping to FRED Series IDs. The aggregate data features financial & economic metrics such as:

  • GDP

  • CPI

  • Interest rates

  • FX rates

  • Weekly jobless claims, local area unemployment

  • New home sales and new residential construction

  • State and metro area employment, hours, earnings

  • Commercial paper

  • Advance monthly sales for retail and food services

  • Advance U.S. international trade in goods

Central bank monetary policy rates from Brazil, Canada, England, Mexico, and Japan are also included for ease of comparison with the Federal Funds Effective Rate.

Key Attributes

Geographic Coverage

Global, though US focused

Entity Level

Country, State, County, City, Census Region, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Division, CBSA

Time Granularity

Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly , Annually

Release Frequency

Varies by variable and underlying source


Varies by variable and underlying source

As with all Public Domain datasets, Cybersyn aims to release data on Snowflake Marketplace as soon as the underlying source releases new data. We check periodically for changes to the underlying source and, upon detecting a change, propagate the data to Snowflake Marketplace immediately. See our release process for more details.


EAV Model: All Cybersyn products follow the EAV (entity, attributes, value) model with a unified schema. Entities are tangible objects (e.g. geography, company) that Cybersyn provides data on. All timeseries' dates and values that refer to the entity are included in a timeseries table. Descriptors of the timeseries are included in an attributes table. Data is joinable across all Cybersyn products that have a GEO_ID. Refer to Cybersyn Concepts for more details.

Restatements: Timeseries tables, by default, contain the latest published version of all releases. Learn more about point-in-time history tables here.

Tables & Sources

Cybersyn Products

Tables above are available in our free and Enterprise products.

Examples & Sample Queries

Evaluate monthly retail sales by industry, provided by the US Census Bureau

Find the industries that are growing / declining in the US.

FROM cybersyn.cybersyn_financial_economic_indicators_timeseries ts
JOIN cybersyn.cybersyn_financial_economic_indicators_attributes att
USING (variable)
    att.release_source = 'US Census Bureau'
    AND att.release_name = 'Monthly State Retail Sales'
    AND ts.geo_id = 'country/USA'
ORDER BY, ts.variable_name;


The data in this product is sourced on the individual source pages above. In instances where a source page is not yet available, relevant terms/disclosures are linked here:

  • © 2024 Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Content from the New York Fed subject to the Terms of Use at Datasets: New York Fed Consumer Credit Panel / Equifax. Survey of Consumer Expectations, ©2013-2020 Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The SCE data are available without charge at and may be used subject to license terms posted there. The New York Fed disclaims any responsibility for this analysis and interpretation of Survey of Consumer Expectations data.”

Cybersyn is not endorsed by or affiliated with any of these providers. Contact for questions.

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