Global Government
Government spending, demographic, economic, & environmental statistics; reference data on holidays and administrative boundaries
This product serves as a central source of government statistics and reference data. It includes a collection of demographic, economic, government spending, and environmental timeseries data along with commonly used reference data about geographies and holidays. A single, unified schema joins together across the various publishers.
Example topics covered:
Household income
US government contracts
US Treasury fiscal data
US consumer credit outstanding
Household balance sheets
Crime and disease incidences
Public holidays
Global & regional growth projections
Crime and disease incidences
Imports, exports, tariffs
Global development indicators
US Department of Transportation tracked flights
Government Essentials is centered around geographic entities at different levels (e.g. national, state, county, municipal, zip code, census tracts, etc.) and contains a variety of daily, monthly, quarterly and annual indicators.
Data Sources, Attributes, Sample Queries
A detailed description of the data is available by source. Source pages include key attributes (e.g. geographic coverage, time granularity, history, entity level), release frequency, notes & methodologies, and sample queries.
All Cybersyn products follow the EAV (entity, attributes, value) model with a unified schema. Entities are tangible objects (e.g. geography, company) that Cybersyn provides data on. All timeseries' dates and values that refer to the entity are included in a timeseries table. Descriptors of the timeseries are included in an attributes table. Data is joinable across all Cybersyn products that have a GEO_ID
. Refer to Cybersyn Concepts for more details.
As with all Public Domain datasets, Cybersyn aims to release data on Snowflake Marketplace as soon as the underlying source releases new data. We check periodically for changes to the underlying source and, upon detecting a change, propagate the data to Snowflake Marketplace immediately. See our release process for more details.
Releases & Changelog
7/30/24 - Added monthly US domestic flight segment data from the US Department of Transportation.
The US Department of Transportation (DOT) provides monthly data on domestic flight segments within the United States, categorized by World Area Codes (WAC). It provides details into the types of flights, aircrafts, and segments. This dataset is useful for analyzing domestic air traffic patterns, evaluating airline market share and performance, and conducting assessments within the aviation sector.
The data is available in the following tables:
5/28/24 - Added state and Continuum of Care (CoC)-level homelessness estimates from the US Department of Housing & Urban Development.
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is a federal agency responsible for national policies on America's housing needs. They conduct the Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) and Point-in-Time (PIT) count and Housing Inventory Count (HIC) surveys in January of each year. These reports provide a detailed view on the number of homeless individuals, chronically homeless persons, homeless veterans, and homeless children and youth.
The data is available in the following tables:
5/28/24 - Added the US Economic Census survey conducted by the US Census Bureau.
The Economic Census is a survey conducted by the US Census Bureau every 5 years that provides detailed economic data on US businesses, such as number of establishments, types of goods and services provided, employment figures, payroll expenses, and operational costs, across different industries and geographic regions.
The data is available in the following tables:
5/21/24 - Added national and state crime estimates in the US from the FBI.
The FBI, or Federal Bureau of Investigation, is the principal federal law enforcement agency in the US, taked with investigating and enforcing federal laws. Data includes crime totals across the nation and its 50 states from 1979. The offense category is provided for reference.
The data is available in the following tables:
3/7/24 - Added regional GDP, retails sales index, and safety data from the UK Office for National Statistics
Added data from the UK Office for Statistics in support of the Women In Data Safety Hackathon. Datasets added include regional GDP by quarter, retail sales index, prisoner statistics, and domestic abuse statistics.
Data is available in the following tables:
2/7/24 - Removed legacy US Treasury revenue collections tables
Users still have access to revenue collections data in the US_TREASURY_ATTRIBUTES
tables that were released on 12/14/23.
1/27/24 - Added global Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) statistics from the World Bank
Added annual ESG statistics on global sustainability performance for 200+ countries and territories. Example country-level variables include CO2 emissions, natural resource depletion, energy use, government effectiveness, life expectancy, population with access to safely managed drinking water, and renewable electricity output.
Added governance indicators for 200+ countries and territories. The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) report on six broad dimensions of governance: voice and accountability, political stability and absence of violence, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law, and control of corruption.
The data is available in the following tables:
1/19/24 - Added weekly national unemployment insurance claims from the US Department of Labor
Expanded US Department of Labor coverage to include national weekly figures on initial and continuing unemployment claims filed during the previous week. Initial claims represent the number of individuals who have filed for unemployment benefits for the first time during a given week. Continuing claims indicate the number of individuals who are still receiving unemployment benefits in subsequent weeks.
The data is available in the following tables:
1/8/24 - Added US Consumer Credit, Industrial Production, Financial Accounts, and Commercial Paper from the Federal Reserve
Added the following timeseries from the Federal Reserve to the FEDERAL_RESERVE_TIMESERIES
Monthly outstanding revolving and non-revolving US consumer credit including select terms (e.g. interest rates on new car loans, personal loans, credit card plans) and major holders (e.g. credit unions, finance companies, depository institutions) - Fed Report Number G.19
Monthly industrial production and capacity utilization rates covering manufacturing, mining, and electric and gas utilities. The production index measures real output and the capacity index estimates sustainable potential output. - Fed Report Number G.17
Quarterly assets and liabilities by sector and financial instruments. Quarterly balance sheets, including net worth, for households, nonprofits and non-financial businesses. - Fed Report Number Z.1
Daily commercial paper issuance rates and volumes - Derived from data supplied by The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation
Monthly owned and managed outstanding receivables at financial services companies. - Fed Report Number G.20
1/5/24 - Added weekly unemployment insurance claims by state from the US Department of Labor
Added weekly unemployment insurance claims (i.e. jobless claims) that count the number of people filing to receive unemployment insurance benefits by state. The claims are broken into two categories - initial (number of people filing for the first time) and continued (number of people filing for ongoing unemployment benefits).
The data is available in the following tables:
describes the unemployment insurance variables tracked by the US Department of LaborUS_DEPARTMENT_OF_LABOR_UNEMPLOYMENT_INSURANCE_CLAIMS_TIMESERIES
provides historical values for each US Department of Labor reported attribute
12/18/23 - Added industrial development statistics on the manufacturing sector from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Sourced from the INDSTAT 2 (2016-2023), the data provides statistics on industrial performance and trends by country for the manufacturing sector. The following variables over time, by country are included:
Number of establishments
Number of employees
Wages and salaries
Value added
Gross fixed capital formation
Number of female employees
Index of industrial production
Data is available in the following tables:
details each manufacturing indicator tracked by ISIC economic activity and INDSTAT yearly version.UNITED_NATIONS_INDUSTRIAL_DEVELOPMENT_ORGANIZATION_TIMESERIES provides historical values on an annual basis for each UNIDO variable tracked.
12/14/23 - Added HQM corporate bond yields, U.S. Treasury savings bonds, TreasuryDirect securities, and interest rates for U.S. Treasury securities
Added high quality market corporate bond yields, U.S. Treasury savings bonds (issues, redemptions, maturities), securities issued in TreasuryDirect, and average interest rates on U.S. Treasury securities from the U.S Treasury.
table includes details on each variableThe
table includes Historical values for each variable
12/6/23 - Added global labor statistics from the International Labour Organization (ILO)
Added global labor data from the International Labour Organization (ILO). Variables include employment, unemployment, population, potential labor force, labor force participation, rate of labor underutilization, working poverty rate, and annual growth rate of output per worker. Data can be cut by sex, age, occupation, status in employment, economic activity (e.g. education, utilities, construction), rural/urban areas, and economic class.
table includes descriptions of each labor statisticThe
table includes historical values for each ILO variable tracked
11/30/23 - Added global trade, tariff, and import relationship data from the World Trade Organization (WTO)
Added global trade flows, imposed tariffs, and trade interactions between countries from the World Trade Organization (WTO) . The data details export and import figures for goods and services across different countries and regions, tariff rates and structures that WTO member countries apply to imports from other nations, trade dependencies between countries, and the balance of trade between specific pairs of nations.
table details the global trade, tariff, and import relationship statistics tracked by the World Trade Organization (WTO).The
table provides timeseries values by date for the reported trade statistics by country, country group, and global region (as defined by the World Trade Organization).
11/30/23 - Added global health indicators from the World Health Organization (WHO)
Added 1,100+ health-related indicators for 194 members of the World Health Organization (WHO) and their associated country groups and global regions. Example metrics include alcohol consumption among adolescents and adults, tobacco control policies, abortion rates, accessibility of dementia care services, and adolescent fertility rates. Environmental health indicators including air pollution's impact on mortality rates and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) as well as deaths attributable to the environment are also included.
table details the health statistics tracked by the World Health Organization (WHO).The
table provides timeseries values by date for the reported health indicators by country, country group, or global region (as defined by global organizations like UNICEF, the United Nations, the World Bank, and the World Health Organization).
11/30/23 - Added country groups and regions from the WHO, WTO, and UN to geography tables
Added additional country groups and geography types to the GEOGRAPHY_INDEX
from the World Health Organization (WHO), World Trade Organization (WTO), and United Nations (UN). The member countries of the added geographies are mapped in the GEOGRAPHY_RELATIONSHIPS
table. Select new geographic regions include:
BRICS members
World Trade Organization (WTO) members
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
UNICEF regions
United Nations regions
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) regions
World Bank regions
World Health Organization (WHO) regions and income regions
World Bank regions and income groups
11/28/23 - Added US agricultural export sales data from the USDA
Added US Export Sales Reporting (ESR) data on weekly export sales activity for 40+ US agricultural commodities sold abroad from the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS).
now includes the export of commodities in addition to the existing production, supply, and distribution variables.The
table provides the reported metrics for each commodity byGEO_ID
11/20/23 - Expanded American Community Survey (ACS) history for 1,400+ population variables since 2005 for ~500K geographies
Added historical data from the American Community Survey (ACS) to the AMERICAN_COMMUNITY_SURVEY_ATTRIBUTES
tables for over 1,400 population variables dating back to 2005 at the following geographic entity levels: country, states, counties, cities, zip codes, core-based statistical areas (CBSAs), census tracts, and census block groups. Example population variable additions include age, race, income, employment status, immigration status, and household status.
Data is as up to date as the latest ACS publication.
11/6/23 - Added trade-related datasets from the US Dept Commerce's International Trade Administration
Added 5 new tables containing trade-related datasets from the US Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration (ITA). The ITA provides data on trade events, trade leads, export business service providers, ITA export assistance centers, and export restricted entities.
provides a directory of US and foreign-based businesses providing services that many small- and medium-sized exporters require (e.g., legal, tax, consulting, market research, export management, travel facilitation services).INTERNATIONAL_TRADE_ADMINISTRATION_TRADE_EVENTS_INDEX
provides trade events (including conferences, webinars, trade shows, workshops, and more) for US businesses interested in selling their products and services overseas.INTERNATIONAL_TRADE_ADMINISTRATION_EXPORT_ASSISTANCE_CENTERS_INDEX
provides a directory of all of the International Trade Administration's (ITA) domestic and international export assistance centers and the areas they service.INTERNATIONAL_TRADE_ADMINISTRATION_EXPORT_SCREENED_ENTITIES_INDEX
lists parties from the Consolidated Screening List (CSL) for which the United States government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports, or transfers of items. These may be sanctioned individuals from the Department of Commerce, Department of State, Treasury, or Office of Foreign Assets Control.INTERNATIONAL_TRADE_ADMINISTRATION_TRADE_LEADS_INDEX
provides contract opportunities for US businesses selling their products and services overseas.
11/3/23 - Added global agricultural commodity production and distribution data from the USDA. Added calendar index
Added two tables sourced from the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) which provides production, supply, and distribution data on agricultural commodities for both the United States and other producing and consuming countries since 1960.
describes the production, supply, and distribution metrics tracked for each commodity by the USDA.us_department_of_agriculture_commodities_timeseries
table provides the reported metrics for each commodity and country.
Added the calendar_index
table which compiles common calendars into a single table. Each calendar type has a unique CALENDAR_ID
, which allows users to select which calendar type they want to use. Individual periods within each calendar type include period start and end dates.
The calendar_index
currently includes regular calendar periods (days, weeks, months, quarters, and years) and 4-5-4 retail calendar periods (4-5-4 retail months, quarters, and years).
The 4-5-4 retail calendar is a standardized accounting and reporting calendar system used by many retailers, where each fiscal year is divided into 13 weeks, aiming to align with seasonal variations and facilitate more accurate financial comparisons.
10/19/23 - Added US Federal Government Revenue Collections from the US Treasury Fiscal Data
The US Treasury provides a daily overview of net federal revenue collections from income tax deposits, customs duties, fees for government services, fines, and loan repayments. These collections undergo electronic and/or non-electronic processing, involving various channels such as mail, internet, banking, and over-the-counter transactions, all of which are comprehensively incorporated within this dataset.
The us_treasury_revenue_collections_timeseries
table provides daily net collections amounts broken down by tax category and processing channel. The us_treasury_revenue_collections_attributes
table details each collection method reported by the US Treasury.
10/11/23 - Added population variables to the American Community Survey tables
Expanded the american_community_survey_attributes
and american_community_survey_timeseries
tables to include additional population variables related to income, age, and educational attainment.
New series include Household Income in the Past 12 Months (Inflation-Adjusted), Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and Over, and Age of Householder By Household Income in the Past 12 Months (Inflation-Adjusted). These series are available by multiple breakdowns (ex. income, age, gender, etc.).
10/2/23 - Added population data from the American Community Survey
Expanded our population dataset to include annual estimates from the American Community Survey (ACS) for 2021 and 2022 at multiple geographic levels in the United States.
9/15/23 - Added FIPS 10-4 country codes and state abbreviations
Expanded the geography_characteristics
table to include mappings of FIPS 10-4 country codes and U.S. state abbreviations to country and state-level GEO_ID
s, respectively.
8/11/23 – Added geospatial boundaries data for territories in the US and Canada
The Census Bureau and Statistics Canada publish geospatial boundaries data for their territories at multiple geographic levels. We added a table geography_characteristics
with the boundary coordinates from the most recent releases in both WKT and GeoJSON formats. The table is joinable at different levels using Cybersyn's GEO_ID
. This GEO_ID
is compatible with all Cybersyn listings that have geographic identifiers. Currently, the geographic levels covered include:
State (US and Canada)
County (US only)
Census Tract (US only)
ZIP Code (US only)
Dissemination Area and Aggregate Dissemination Area (Canada only)
Census Division and Census Subdivision (Canada only)
Census Agglomeration and Census Agglomeration Part (Canada only)
Census Metropolitan Division and Census Metropolitan Division Part (Canada only)
8/7/23 – Added text-based US government contracts data from
The US government publishes contract opportunities and proposals to do business with the federal government via the System for Award Management ( for contracts and awards with a value of at least $25,000. The data goes back to January 2002 and includes metadata providing descriptions of government contracts and the corresponding awards granted for those contracts.
6/1/23 – Added 3,000 new US zip codes from USPS and US Census
Using USPS address change data, we added 3,000 zip codes (mostly PO Box) to the
.Using both the USPS address change and US Census Bureau data, we increased the coverage in
table with 6,500 new zip and city relationships. We now map 86% of zip codes to a city.
5/19/23 – Updated product name from Cybersyn Data Commons to Cybersyn Government Essentials
Rebranded Cybersyn Data Commons as Cybersyn Government Essentials. We updated the naming conventions for schemas, tables, and column names to make them consistent across all of Cybersyn’s existing and future data products.
Cybersyn will continue to support and update your older version of the Data Commons tables.
The data in this dataset is sourced on the individual source pages. Links to provider license, terms and disclaimers are provided where appropriate.
Cybersyn is not endorsed by or affiliated with any of these providers. Contact for questions.
Last updated