Financial & Economics

Near real-time SEC filings and earnings transcripts, point-in-time history, and more enterprise-ready public domain data from 60+ sources


Cybersyn’s Enterprise product includes premium public datasets, such as near real-time SEC filings and earnings transcripts. The Enterprise tier is a good fit for production use cases and includes technical support, external derivative usage, point-in-time history (where applicable), and backwards compatibility.

With the Enterprise offering, you will find all public data Cybersyn makes available on Snowflake Marketplace in a single product. All new public data released by Cybersyn in the future will be added.

Premium datasets:

  • Company Event Transcripts: including transcripts for earnings, annual investor days, etc.

  • US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC):

    • Full SEC EDGAR history of 10K, 10Q, 8K, 13F, N-PORT, Form 3, 4, 5, 144, and additional filings (see complete list here) updated in near real-time

    • Parsed quarterly and annual revenue segments

    • Parsed 10-Ks, 10-Qs, 8-Ks, 20-Fs into document sections for easier input into LLMs

Other public domain example sources:

  • US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS): CPI, employment, labor force statistics

  • Bank for International Settlements (BIS): Foreign exchange rates

  • US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA): GDP, wages and salaries, personal income

  • US Federal Reserve: Interest rates, commercial paper issuance rates and volumes, outstanding monthly consumer credit

  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC): Deposits, insurance, and complaints by financial institution

  • National Address Database / Overture Maps Foundation: US addresses and points of interest

Data Products Included

Documentation and data dictionaries for each underlying table and source included in the Enterprise product can be found here:

All Cybersyn products follow the EAV (entity, attributes, value) model with a unified schema. Entities are tangible objects (e.g. geography, company) that Cybersyn provides data on. All timeseries' dates and values that refer to the entity are included in a timeseries table. Descriptors of the timeseries are included in an attributes table. Data is joinable across all Cybersyn products that have a GEO_ID. Refer to Cybersyn Concepts for more details.

Notes & Methodology

Point-in- time history

Refer to this Cybersyn Concepts page for more information about point-in-time history tables.

Examples & Sample Queries

Find the performance of a company's revenue segments over time

View Target's quarterly category mix over time.

WITH target_category_segments AS (
            value AS segment_value
    FROM cybersyn.sec_metrics_timeseries
        cik = '0000027419'
        AND measure = 'REVENUE'
        AND frequency = 'QUARTERLY' 

, quarterly_performance AS (
        SUM(segment_value) AS quarterly_total_value
    FROM target_category_segments
    GROUP BY 1,2

SELECT *, segment_value / quarterly_total_value AS category_mix
FROM target_category_segments
JOIN quarterly_performance
USING (company_name, date)
ORDER BY date, business_segment;

Find the performance of Darden Restaurants' brands over time.

FROM cybersyn.sec_metrics_timeseries
    cik = '0000940944'
    AND frequency = 'QUARTERLY'

View values as of a specific date and time

Use Cybersyn’s point-in-time history table to look back at what FRED data was published as of October 31, 2023.

FROM cybersyn.bureau_of_labor_statistics_employment_timeseries_history
WHERE _effective_start_timestamp <= '2023-10-31 00:00:00'
  AND (_effective_end_timestamp >= '2023-10-31 00:00:00' OR _effective_end_timestamp IS NULL);

Pull all historical revisions to a particular data point

Check the history of reported nonfarm employees in the United States for a given date. Pull historical estimates that may have been revised in subsequent monthly releases.

FROM cybersyn.financial_fred_timeseries_history
WHERE variable_name = 'All Employees, Total Nonfarm, Seasonally adjusted, Monthly, Persons'
  AND date = '2023-09-30'
ORDER BY _effective_start_timestamp;

Get timestamps for all updates to Cybersyn’s data

Select all distinct times any new data was inserted or any existing data was modified in the FX rate table. This will create a log of all timestamps where Cybersyn ran a job that made any changes to the underlying data in the table.

SELECT DISTINCT _effective_start_timestamp
FROM cybersyn.fx_rates_timeseries_history
ORDER BY _effective_start_timestamp;

FDIC deposit exposure

Determine which banks have the highest percentage of uninsured deposits.

WITH big_banks AS (
    SELECT id_rssd
    FROM cybersyn.financial_institution_timeseries
    WHERE variable = 'ASSET'
      AND date = '2022-12-31'
      AND value > 1E10
SELECT name,
       1 - value AS pct_uninsured,
FROM cybersyn.financial_institution_timeseries AS ts
INNER JOIN cybersyn.financial_institution_attributes AS att ON (ts.variable = att.variable)
INNER JOIN cybersyn.financial_institution_entities AS ent ON (ts.id_rssd = ent.id_rssd)
INNER JOIN big_banks ON (big_banks.id_rssd = ts.id_rssd)
WHERE = '2022-12-31'
  AND att.variable_name = '% Insured (Estimated)'
  AND att.frequency = 'Quarterly'
ORDER BY pct_uninsured DESC;

Track house prices and gross income inflow in a specific city

Compare Phoenix house prices vs gross income inflow.

WITH county_map AS (
    FROM cybersyn.geography_relationships
    WHERE geo_name = 'Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale, AZ Metro Area'
    AND related_level = 'County'
), gross_income_data AS (
        geo_name AS msa,
        SUM(value) AS gross_income_inflow
    FROM cybersyn.irs_origin_destination_migration_timeseries AS ts
    JOIN county_map ON (county_map.related_geo_id = ts.to_geo_id)
    WHERE ts.variable_name = 'Adjusted Gross Income'
    GROUP BY geo_id, msa, date
), home_price_data AS (
    SELECT LAST_DAY(date, 'year') AS end_date, AVG(value) AS home_price_index
    FROM cybersyn.fhfa_house_price_timeseries AS ts
    JOIN cybersyn.fhfa_house_price_attributes AS att
        ON (ts.variable = att.variable)
    WHERE geo_id IN (SELECT geo_id FROM county_map)
      AND att.index_type = 'purchase-only'
      AND att.seasonally_adjusted = TRUE
    GROUP BY end_date
FROM gross_income_data AS gid
JOIN home_price_data AS hpi ON ( = hpi.end_date)
ORDER BY date;

Releases & Changelog

See "Release & Changelog" section on the respective product pages listed under "Data Products Included" above. The Enterprise product is updated with all public domain releases. Any releases that are specific only to the Enterprise product are below:

6/26/24: Enterprise - Added company event transcripts, incl. earnings transcripts.

Cybersyn now provides transcripts of hosted company events (e.g., earnings calls, updates/briefings, Annual General Meetings, and more) in JSON-format. The events cover thousands of public companies globally. Transcripts are usually made available within 3 hours of the event conclusion. Data is available in the COMPANY_EVENT_TRANSCRIPT_ATTRIBUTES table.

6/25/24: Enterprise - Added parsed 20-F items into HTML, text, and JSON format.

Expanded the SEC_CORPORATE_REPORT_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES table to include parsed 20-Fs. 20-Fs are annual reports submitted by non-US public companies to the SEC, similar to a 10-K filing by US companies. Parsing 20-Fs into items optimizes SEC filings for LLM use cases.

5/16/24: Enterprise - Added additional SEC filings (S-1, S-4, SC-13D, SC-14D, 20-F, 40-F, 6-K, DEFM14A, PREM14A, SC-TO)

See here for table details.

5/15/24: Enterprise - Added parsed 10K/Qs and updated SEC XBRL methodology

10-K/Q sections are now parsed into plain text, HTML and JSON structure supporting LLM use cases. The data is available in the below table: sec_corporate_report_item_attributes

Also updated SEC XBRL methodology to improve data accuracy.

4/17/24: Enterprise - Added additional SEC filings (Form 3 & Form 5)

Form 3 and Form 5 data is available in the following tables:

  • sec_insider_trading_reporting_owners_index

  • sec_insider_trading_securities_index

4/11/24: Enterprise - Added additional SEC filings (Form 4 & Form 144)

Form 4 and Form 144 data is available in the following tables:

  • sec_form144_securities_info_index

  • sec_form144_securities_sold_index

  • sec_form144_securities_to_be_sold_index

  • sec_form4_reporting_owners_index

  • sec_form4_securities_index\

4/3/24: Enterprise - Added parsed segment revenues from the SEC

Parsed/cleaned quarterly & annual segment revenues from 10-Ks and 10-Qs are now available in SEC_METRICS_TIMESERIES. This table translates the raw XBRL data from the SEC into a clean version of SEC revenue segments over time.


The data in this dataset is sourced on the individual source pages linked here. Links to provider terms and disclaimers are included where appropriate on the individual source pages.

Cybersyn is not endorsed or affiliated with any of these providers. Contact for questions.

Last updated

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