OpenAlex Concepts Index
Name | Description | Type | Example |
| OpenAlex ID for this concept. | VARCHAR |
| Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) ID for this concept. | NUMBER |
| Wikidata ID for this concept. | VARCHAR |
| Unified Medical Language System Concept Unique Identifiers. | ARRAY |
| Unified Medical Language System Atom Unique Identifiers. | ARRAY |
| The English-language label of the concept. | VARCHAR |
| The concept's display name in many lnaguages, derived from article titles on each language's wikipedia. | VARIANT |
| A brief description of the concept. | VARCHAR |
| List of concepts that this concept descends from. | ARRAY |
| Concept IDs for concepts that are similar to this one. | ARRAY |
| Concept details for concepts that are similar to this one, including a score that represents the strength of association between this concept and the listed concept, on a scale of 0-100. | ARRAY |
| The number of citations to works that have been tagged with this concept. The number of citations to this concept. | NUMBER |
| The number of works tagged with this concept. | NUMBER |
| The number of new works tagged with this concept and how many times any work tagged with this concept got cited for the last 10 years. | ARRAY |
| Wikipedia page URL for this concept. | VARCHAR |
| URL that lists all the works tagged with this concept. | VARCHAR |
| Same as image_url, but a smaller image. | VARCHAR |
| URL for an image representing this concept, where available. Usually hosted on Wikipedia. | VARCHAR |
| Citation metrics for this concept, including 2-year mean citedness for this source, h-index, i-10 index, and more. | VARIANT |
| The date this concept object was created in the OpenAlex dataset. | TIMESTAMP_NTZ |
| The last time anything in this concept object changed. | TIMESTAMP_NTZ |
Last updated