OpenAlex Funders Index
Name | Description | Type | Example |
| OpenAlex ID for this funder. | VARCHAR |
| DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for this funder. | VARCHAR |
| ROR (Research Organization Registry) ID for this funder. | VARCHAR |
| Crossref ID for this funder. Crossref is an open digital infrastructure organization for the global scholarly research community. | VARCHAR |
| Wikidata ID for this funder. | VARCHAR |
| The primary name of the funder. | VARCHAR |
| A list of alternate titles for this funder. | ARRAY |
| A short description of this funder, taken from Wikidata. | VARCHAR |
| The country where this funder is located in standardized Cybersyn format, joinable to GEOGRAPHY_INDEX table. | VARCHAR |
| Concept IDs that are related to this funder. | ARRAY |
| Concept details for concepts related to the funder, including a score that represents the strength of association between this concept and the funder, on a scale of 0-100. | VARIANT |
| The total number of works that cite a work linked to this funder. | NUMBER |
| The number of works linked to this funder. | NUMBER |
| The number of new works linked to this funder and how many times any work linked to this funder was cited for the past 10 years. | ARRAY |
| The number of grants linked to this funder. | NUMBER |
| List of role objects, which include the role (one of institution, funder, or publisher), the OpenAlex ID, and the works count. In many cases, a single organization does not fit neatly into one role. | ARRAY |
| URL for this funder's primary homepage. | VARCHAR |
| URL to an image that represents the funder (small format). | VARCHAR |
| URL to an image that represents the funder. Usually this is a hotlink to a Wikimedia image, and usually it's a seal or logo. | VARCHAR |
| Citation metrics for this funder, including 2-year mean citedness for this source, h-index, i-10 index, and more. | VARIANT |
| The date this Funder object was created in the OpenAlex dataset. | TIMESTAMP_NTZ |
| The last time anything in this funder object changed. | TIMESTAMP_NTZ |
Last updated