Food and Agriculture Organization (UN)


The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a United Nations agency leading an international effort to increase food security and nutrition standards across 130+ countries. The FAOSTAT database reports greenhouse gas emissions data related to agriculture, forestry, and other land use activities.

Example topics covered:

  • Total emissions generated from agrifood systems

  • Emissions associated with crop processes including rice cultivation and burning of crop residues

  • Emissions from livestock

  • Emissions from land use including forests, fires, and drained organic soils

  • Intensity of emissions by agricultural commodity

Key Attributes

Geographic Coverage


Entity Level

Country, CountryGroup, Continent

Time Granularity


Release Frequency

Annual - time of year varies by variable, typically November - December


Since 1961

As with all Public Domain datasets, Cybersyn aims to release data on Snowflake Marketplace as soon as the underlying source releases new data. We check periodically for changes to the underlying source and, upon detecting a change, propagate the data to Snowflake Marketplace immediately. See our release process for more details.


EAV Model: All Cybersyn products follow the EAV (entity, attributes, value) model with a unified schema. Entities are tangible objects (e.g. geography, company) that Cybersyn provides data on. All timeseries' dates and values that refer to the entity are included in a timeseries table. Descriptors of the timeseries are included in an attributes table. Data is joinable across all Cybersyn products that have a GEO_ID. Refer to Cybersyn Concepts for more details.

  • The FOOD_AGRICULTURE_ORGANIZATION_ATTRIBUTES table details each agricultural and/or emissions variable tracked by greenhouse gas type and agricultural product

  • The FOOD_AGRICULTURE_ORGANIZATION_TIMESERIES table provides historical values on an annual basis for each tracked variable

Tables & Sources

Cybersyn Products

Tables above are available in the following Cybersyn data product:


The data in this product is sourced from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) .

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