US Addresses & POI

US points of interest, addresses, and geographic administrative areas


This product serves as a master points of interest (POI), address, and geographic reference dataset. The points of interest data contains the name, location, and category of 11M points of interest ranging from restaurants and commercial brands to hospitals and parks. The address data includes 145M US residential and commercial addresses covering the United States and Puerto Rico. The geographic data contains Cybersyn’s standardized geographic entities (e.g. cities, counties), relationships between these geographies (e.g. cities contained within counties) and the characteristics of these geographies (e.g. geospatial boundaries, coordinates, abbreviations).

Example topics covered:

  • Points of interest

  • Business locations

  • Street names

  • House numbers

  • Postal codes

  • Longitude and latitude coordinates

Data Sources, Attributes, Sample Queries

A detailed description of the data is available by source. Source pages include key attributes (e.g. geographic coverage, time granularity, history, entity level), release frequency, notes & methodologies, and sample queries.

All Cybersyn products follow the EAV (entity, attributes, value) model with a unified schema. Entities are tangible objects (e.g. geography, company) that Cybersyn provides data on. All timeseries' dates and values that refer to the entity are included in a timeseries table. Descriptors of the timeseries are included in an attributes table. Data is joinable across all Cybersyn products that have a GEO_ID. Refer to Cybersyn Concepts for more details.

As with all Public Domain datasets, Cybersyn aims to release data on Snowflake Marketplace as soon as the underlying source releases new data. We check periodically for changes to the underlying source and, upon detecting a change, propagate the data to Snowflake Marketplace immediately. See our release process for more details.

Releases & Changelog

9/15/23 - Added FIPS 10-4 country codes and state abbreviations

Expanded the geography_characteristics table to include mappings of FIPS 10-4 country codes and U.S. state abbreviations to country and state-level GEO_IDs, respectively.

8/27/23 - Added points of interest data from Overture Maps Foundation

Added the point_of_interest_index table, which includes names and categories for points of interest in the US. Each POI is uniquely identified by a POI_ID.

To tie POIs to addresses, we added a new column, ADDRESS_ID, to the us_addresses table to uniquely identify each individual address. This column allows users to join addresses to POIs using the new point_of_interest_addresses_relationships table with POI_ID and ADDRESS_ID as the join keys for the point_of_interest_index table and us_addresses table, respectively.

8/27/23 - Added 7.2M new addresses, removed 49.8M duplicate addresses, deleted 1.2M addresses with Null STREET value

Added 7.2M new addresses covering points of interest from Overture Maps Foundation to the us_addresses table.

Removed 49.8M addresses that were duplicative aside from minor variability in coordinates. Removed 1.2M rows from rows from the us_addresses table where the STREET value contained a string with value Null.

8/27/23 - Added country-level geospatial boundaries to the geography_characteristics table

Added country-level geospatial boundaries to the geography_characteristics table with data from Overture Maps Foundation.

8/11/23 - Added geospatial boundaries data for territories in the US and Canada

The Census Bureau and Statistics Canada publish geospatial boundaries data for their territories at multiple geographic levels. We added a table geography_characteristics with the boundary coordinates from the most recent releases in both WKT and GeoJSON formats. The table is joinable at different levels using Cybersyn's GEO_ID. This GEO_ID is compatible with all Cybersyn listings that have geographic identifiers. Currently, the geographic levels covered include:

  • State (US and Canada)

  • County (US only)

  • Census Tract (US only)

  • ZIP Code (US only)

  • Dissemination Area and Aggregate Dissemination Area (Canada only)

  • Census Division and Census Subdivision (Canada only)

  • Census Agglomeration and Census Agglomeration Part (Canada only)

  • Census Metropolitan Division and Census Metropolitan Division Part (Canada only)

5/19/23 - Added source data from National Address Database (NAD)

Added the National Address Database (NAD) as a source to increase our US address coverage:

  • Increased the coverage from 140 million addresses to more than 188 million.

  • There is now at least one address in more than 85% of zip codes, up from 74% previously.

  • Increased the portion of cities that are mapped to distinct IDs joinable to our other data sets from 24% to over 77%


The data in this dataset is sourced on the individual source pages. Links to provider license, terms and disclaimers are provided where appropriate.

Cybersyn is not endorsed by or affiliated with any of these providers. Contact for questions.

Last updated

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