OpenAlex Sources Index
Name | Description | Type | Example |
| OpenAlex ID for this source. | VARCHAR |
| Fatcat ID for this source. | VARCHAR |
| Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) ID for this source. | NUMBER |
| Wikidata ID for this source. | VARCHAR |
| List of the source's ISSNs. ISSN is a global and unique ID for serial publications. However, different media versions of a given publication (e.g. print and electronic) often have different ISSNs. | ARRAY |
| This source's ISSN-L, or Linking ISSN, which is the single canonical ISSN for all media versions of this title. It's usually the same as the print ISSN. | VARCHAR |
| The name of the source. | VARCHAR |
| Alternate titles for this source, as obtained from the ISSN Centre and individual work records, like Crossref DOIs, that carry the source name as a string. These are commonly abbreviations or translations of the source's canonical name. | ARRAY |
| An abbreviated title obtained from the ISSN Centre. | VARCHAR |
| The type of source (e.g., journal, repository, conference, ebook platform, book series). | VARCHAR |
| Concept IDs that are related to this source. | ARRAY |
| Concept details for concepts related to the source, including a score that represents the strength of association between this concept and the source, on a scale of 0-100. | ARRAY |
| Host organization that is a publisher for this source as an OpenAlex Publisher ID (i.e. for journals, conferences, or ebook platforms). | VARCHAR |
| Host organization that is an institution for this source as an OpenAlex Institution ID (i.e. for repositories). | VARCHAR |
| The country that this source is associated with, joinable to the GEOGRAPHY_INDEX table. | VARCHAR |
| Whether this is a journal listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). | BOOLEAN |
| Whether this is currently fully-open-access source. This status can change over time. | BOOLEAN |
| Article processing charge information, taken directly from DOAJ, including the price and currency. | ARRAY |
| The source's article processing charge in US Dollars, if available from DOAJ. It is calculated by taking the APC price with a currency of USD. If it is not available, the first available value from international_article_processing_charges into USD, using recent exchange rates. | NUMBER |
| Societies on whose behalf the source is published and maintained. | ARRAY |
| The total number of works that cite a work hosted in this source. | NUMBER |
| The number of new works this source started hosting and how many times any work in this source got cited for the last 10 years. | ARRAY |
| The number of works this source hosts. | NUMBER |
| URL to a list of all this source's works. | VARCHAR |
| The starting page for navigating the contents of this source; the homepage for this source's website. | VARCHAR |
| Citation metrics for this source, including 2-year mean citedness for this source, h-index, i-10 index, and more. | VARIANT |
| The last time the Source object changed. | TIMESTAMP_NTZ |
| The date this Source object was created in the OpenAlex dataset. | TIMESTAMP_NTZ |
Last updated