SEC Form4 Reporting Owners Index
Name | Description | Type | Example |
| Accession Number assigned to each filing in the EDGAR system. Unique identifier for each individual filing. The Accession number can be used to track all records from a single filing. | VARCHAR |
| Central Index Key (CIK). Ten digit number assigned by the SEC to each registrant that submits filings. | VARCHAR |
| Name of registrant (issuer). This corresponds to the name of the legal entity as recorded in EDGAR as of the filing date. | VARCHAR |
| The ticker or trading symbol associated with the issuer. | VARCHAR |
| The submission type of the filing. | VARCHAR |
| The date of the earliest transaction in the report. | VARCHAR |
| If the filing is an amendment, this is the date of the original filing. | VARCHAR |
| Central Index Key (CIK). Ten digit number assigned by the SEC to each registrant that submits filings. | VARCHAR |
| Name of registrant (reporting owner). This corresponds to the name of the legal entity as recorded in EDGAR as of the filing date. | VARCHAR |
| The relationship of the reporting person to the issuer (e.g., director, officer, 10% owner, or other). | ARRAY |
| Address of the reporting person. | VARIANT |
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