PermID Security Index
Name | Description | Type | Example |
| PermID for the security. | VARCHAR |
| The ticker for the primary trading venue of a security. If a security trades on multiple exchanges or has numerous tickers, an attempt is made to select the ticker from the home market. | VARCHAR |
| Name of the security. | VARCHAR |
| Broad-based class of the asset, such as 'Ordinary Shares', 'Depositary Receipts', etc. | VARCHAR |
| The exchange code for the primary trading venue of a security. | VARCHAR |
| The exchange name for the primary trading venue of a security. | VARCHAR |
| Status of the security, i.e. 'Active' or 'Inactive'. An active security is a security that has active quotes and an inactive security has no active quotes. This status changes over time. | VARCHAR |
| An array of ticker symbols under which the security may be traded globally on all exchanges. | ARRAY |
| An array of codes representing the exchanges where the security is traded. An empty array means that exchange information is not available. | ARRAY |
| An array of PermIDs for the quotes for each exchange where the security is traded. An empty array means that quote information is not available. | ARRAY |
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